Kushi is one of the superhit films in Telugu cinema, starring Powerstar Pawan Kalyan in the lead role. Directed by SJ Suryah, the film featured Pawan Kalyan and Bhumika Chawla as the leads, with Mani Sharma composing the music and AM Ratnam producing the film. Interestingly, director SJ Suryah once pitched a sequel to the film, titled Kushi 2, but the project was shelved. Suryah himself confirmed this, revealing that the film never materialized.
During the promotions for his upcoming film Saripodhaa Sanivaram, SJ Suryah shared the backstory of Kushi 2. He explained how he had written a story and presented it to Pawan Kalyan.
“Since it’s a love story with the vibe of Kushi 2, I pitched it to Pawan Kalyan Garu. Initially, he liked the idea and agreed to take it up after completing his current projects. However, later on, he told me that his focus had shifted and that he was no longer interested in doing love stories.”
Though SJ Suryah was disappointed by Pawan Kalyan’s decision, he respectfully disagreed with the reasoning. “I disagree with his opinion. He may have felt that way, but if he had taken up the project, I believe it would have been another blockbuster. But that’s fine,” Suryah remarked.
After realizing that Pawan Kalyan had moved away from love stories, SJ Suryah likely redirected his creative energies into developing the film Puli, which he eventually directed with Pawan Kalyan in the lead role.
On the other hand, Saripodhaa Sanivaram stars Nani in the lead role and is scheduled for release on August 29th this year. Priyanka Arul Mohan will be seen as the lead actress in the film, which is releasing in all South Indian languages. Suryah and Nani are currently busy with the promotions for this film.
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