Naga Chaitanya Akkineni and Sai Pallavi are teaming up once again after their previous collaboration in Love Story, which was a massive success at the box office. The duo will be seen together in the upcoming film Thandel, directed by Chandoo Mondeti. This film marks Chandoo’s third collaboration with Naga, following their successful ventures in the past, and it will be his first time working with Sai. The film is being bankrolled by Geetha Arts, a production house known for backing major hits, and the project is already generating significant buzz.
In an exciting update about Thandel’s progress, it has been revealed that the makers are currently shooting the much-anticipated Jathara song. This song is set to be a grand spectacle, with the film unit bringing in 65 artists from Srikakulam specifically to perform in this sequence. The scale of this song is unlike anything seen before in Naga Chaitanya’s career, making it one of the costliest and most elaborate songs he has ever been a part of.
To add to the grandeur, the production team has hired a massive number of junior artists and side dancers to participate in the shoot. Reports suggest that close to 900 members, including both junior artists and side dancers, will be involved in this song sequence. A colossal set has been constructed to shoot the song, with the production team sparing no expense to ensure that the visual output is nothing short of spectacular. The sheer scale of this song promises to make it a standout moment in the film.
Sai Pallavi, known for her extraordinary dancing skills, will undoubtedly bring her A-game to this performance. Naga Chaitanya, who has consistently improved his dancing prowess, is expected to match her energy, making this song a likely highlight in both of their careers. Devi Sri Prasad, who composed the music for the film, has reportedly crafted a rooted and energetic Jathara song that has already impressed everyone on the team.
Thandel is based on a true story, which adds another layer of intrigue to the film. Given the universal appeal of the story, the filmmakers are planning to release the film in multiple languages to reach a broader audience. As the production progresses, more details about the film will be revealed, but with the current updates, Thandel is shaping up to be a major release that could captivate audiences across India.
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