Samantha Akkineni is all set to foray into the digital world with The Family Man 2. The show has been helmed by the director duo Raj & DK. As the first season has made a special place amongst Indian web series, the buzz is huge for the second season.
Not just The Family Man‘s upcoming season, but the director is now in news due to Cinema Bandi, a Telugu film produced by them. Cinema Bandi released on Netflix on 14th May and has been receiving rave reviews from all corners. While the film is busy garnering more and more accolades, it’s now Samantha who is in awe of the project.
After watching Cinema Bandi, Samantha Akkineni took to Instagram and penned, “#cinemabandi is endearing and so full of hope..three cheers to the team for bringing this gem of a film…a breath of fresh air, Congratulations Raj and DK, so happy for you. Now let’s release #thefamilyman2.”
Have a look at the story below:
Well, it clearly shows how excited Samantha Akkineni is for The Family Man 2. We just can’t wait anymore!
Apart from Samantha, the series stars Manoj Bajpayee, Shreya Dhanwanthary and others in key roles. It’s touted to release in June 2021.
Meanwhile, speaking of Samantha’s character, Raj & DK told Telugu 360, “Samantha has a bold role in The Family Man Season 2. We were not sure about Samantha’s response when we first approached. But she was quite positive which left us surprised.”
“Her (Samantha Akkineni) character will surprise everyone. She has a role with boldness and edginess in The Family Man. Samantha delivered her best in the role,” Raj & DK added.