During one of the interviews while Saripodhaa Sanivaaram promoting Nani was asked which of his films could be a good candidate for a Bollywood remake. In response he confidently stated that his movie Hi Nanna should not be remade.
He explained, “Hi Nanna is a popular film. It was well-received and I think many people watched it in Hindi. A remake would not work in this case.”
Nani then discussed other films that could be suitable for a Hindi remake, mentioning Nenu Local and Gang Leader. Speaking about Gang Leader he said, “Gang Leader is an interesting choice. When I first watched the trailer for Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan which showed him with five women I initially wondered if it was a remake of Gang Leader. But when I saw the full trailer I realized it was a different concept though the idea felt similar.”
Regarding the possibility of turning Gang Leader into a film series Nani mentioned, “We haven’t really discussed making it into a franchise. However wherever I go people express their love for the movie. I believe it’s because of the unique characters like the five women and the quirky character Pencil. Over time the film’s popularity has only grown.”
Nani further added “Shyam Singha Roy could be a good choice for a remake especially with its reincarnation theme. Dasara would be difficult to remake but Pilla Zamindar might work. Also Ashta Chamma would be an excellent option as it’s based on the classic play The Importance of Being Earnest.”
Gang Leader directed by Vikram Kumar tells the story of five women who team up with a crime novelist named Pencil to seek revenge for the loss of their loved ones. Ashta Chamma on the other hand is an adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s famous play The Importance of Being Earnest and it marks Nani’s debut in Telugu cinema.
Looking ahead, Nani is gearing up for his next film Saripodhaa Sanivaaram which is a vigilante drama directed by Vivek Athreya. The film is scheduled for release in theaters on August 29.
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