The Hyderabad Traffic Police has used a scene from director Boyapati Srinu’s blockbuster film ‘Akhanda’, starring Nandamuri Balakrishna and Pragya Jaiswal, to underline the importance of wearing seat belts while driving.
The film has a scene in which Balakrishna and Pragya Jaiswal are seen travelling together in a four-wheeler. Balakrishna, who is driving the vehicle, is forced to suddenly apply the brakes on the vehicle, to avoid colliding with a lorry.
As a result, Pragya is about to hit her head on the windshield when Balakrishna saves her. He then urges her to wear her seat belt and says, “Life is precious.”The Hyderabad police have picked this scene from Akhanda and have now posted it on their Twitter handle with the message, “No Matter How Far, No Matter Whose Car, Always Buckle Up!”
Apart from tweeting this message with the hashtags #WearASeatBelt, they also thanked both the director and the hero of Akhanda for the message. They tweeted, “Thank you Nandamuri Balakrishna garu and Boyapati Srinu garu for promoting Road Safety. #Akhanda.”
No Matter How Far,
No Matter Whose Car,
Always Buckle Up! #WearASeatBelt #seatbelt
Thank you #NandamuriBalaKrishna Garu & #BoyapatiSrinu Garu for promoting Road Safety. #Akhanda @JtCPTrfHyd— Hyderabad Traffic Police (@HYDTP) January 23, 2022
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