On August 6, BTS member Suga, also known as Min Yoon-gi, wrote an apology to his fans in a post on Weverse. The 31-year-old K-pop idol was caught driving an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol, which is a clear violation of South Korea’s traffic laws. After this incident, the police seized his driving license and imposed a fine.
On Tuesday night, Suga was riding his scooter, heading towards his abode in Yongsan. At the parking area, he was found on the ground alone under the influence of alcohol. Yoon-gi failed his breathalyzer test, which was conducted immediately after the incident. The police officer in charge stated that he detected the alcohol odour from him while the breathalyzer test confirmed his intoxication.
The result detected the alcohol level exceeding 0.008 percent, the legal limit for license revocation. Later, his record firm Big HIt Music confirmed the details by saying that Suga rode the scooter for 500 meters (approximately 1640 feet) and in an attempt to park, fell. The alcohol influence worsened the situation.
The firm further said that no one else was hurt, and there was no property damage. The label also apologized for Suga’s behavior and announced that he would face disciplinary action.
However, the artist lodged an apology on the Weverse, stating, “I violated the road traffic law because I was comfortable with the idea of being close (to home) and was not aware that you could not use an electric scooter when you are drunk.”
Suga expressed deep remorse for his actions, acknowledging that he had been careless and ignorant of the traffic laws. He apologized further and said, “I apologise to everyone who has been hurt by my careless and wrong behaviour.”
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