The massively popular film franchise Harry Potter began with the movie Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, back in 2001. Directed by Chris Columbus, more than two decades ago when the Harry Potter franchise started its journey it created a huge buzz around everywhere and it still continues to have equal frenzy among the fans.
Harry Potter enthusiasts know everything about the Harry Potter franchise; how every character in the movie has a significant part, the significance of the characters even if the role is not that extended, the remuneration of actors and so and so forth. But did you know that Kate Winslet had refused to be a part of the billion-dollar franchise? Scroll down to know more.
The Titanic actress was offered the role of Helena Ravenclaw, who is also regarded as Revenclaw Ghost. Yes, you read that right! Though the role was a small yet it is a significant character within the franchise and provided Kate Winslet didn’t have declined the offer, fans would have undoubtedly cherished her as Helena.
But unfortunately, Kate Winslet’s agent declined the role on behalf of the actress before she could even know the scope of the role, leading to Kelly Macdonald being chosen for the part. If reports are to be believed, the reason behind the rejection was that the Revolutionary Road actress was not interested in “following suit with every other actor in Britain by being a part of ‘Harry Potter.”
However rejection was not new in the wizarding world. Famous director Steven Spielberg was offered for filmmaking the Potter series, before Chris Columbus, and he also had turned down to direct the Harry Potter franchise.
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