Longlegs follows an FBI agent Lee Harker, played by Maika Monroe, as she is tasked to investigate a series of murder-suicides in 1990s Oregon. In each case, the father kills his family before taking his own life, leaving a suicide note signed by Longlegs, played by Nicolas Cage. The case is particularly challenging, but Lee has an advantage as she’s somewhat psychic, a skill that proves invaluable in solving these gruesome crimes. The movie also starred Blair Underwood and Alicia Witt. Longlegs received positive reviews and became a horror hit at the box office earlier this year.
Longlegs is set to arrive on OTT starting August 23, with pre-orders available on Apple and Amazon. The movie will be available to buy or rent on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Vudu, and more. The price for purchasing the film depends on the platform, but it will cost $24.99 to buy and $19.99 to rent on Amazon Prime.
However, there is no information yet about its release on physical media or when it will be available on streaming services.
The movie grossed nearly $98 million at the box office and became a hit. Moreover, Longlegs took a clever approach in its promotional materials by not revealing Nicolas Cage’s character and keeping the film’s plot somewhat mysterious, beyond its basic serial killer premise. This approach along with positive reactions on social media helped build interest. Although the exact budget isn’t disclosed, the movie grossed impressively, making it one of 2024’s major success stories.
Critically, the film was well-received holding an 86% score on Rotten Tomatoes. But the audience reaction has been more mixed, with a 60% score on the platform’s Popcornmeter. However, the film’s consistent box office performance, with low week-to-week declines suggests strong word-of-mouth support.
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