Khloé Kardashian recently took to her Instagram handle and shared a series of pictures from her latest photoshoot for the magazine Sorbet while wearing and collaborating with the fashion brand Prada. Even though she looked quite gorgeous in the whole attire, it’s her facial structure and looks which differed from how she looks in general. It seems like the photo editors airbrushed way too much to bring out the edges on her face. Now, netizens are bombarding the comment sections of her posts to mistook her as Taylor Swift as they could see a resemblance with the singer. Scroll below to know more about it.
One of the Kardashian sisters, Khloé, the 38-year-old model, and entrepreneur is The Good American co-founder. She has a unique fashion sense and loves to dress up whenever possible. However, her recent look kind of brought controversy!
A few hours back, Khloé Kardashian shared a picture from her recent fashion photoshoot for Sorbet, where she can be seen lying over a chair wearing a cream n*de coloured body-hugging dress from Prada and completed her look with shiny golden pumps, open hair with bang cuts and glam makeup. However, there seemed to be something wrong with the picture. While her facial structure looked a little off, it’s her legs that looked extremely long.
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While a group of netizens mistook her for being Taylor Swift and started pouring comments regarding the same, a few mentioned how edited the pictures looked. One wrote, “I thought it was Taylor Swift lol.”
Another comment can be read as, “Really thought this was Taylor swift”, while another agreed to it and wrote, “I thought it was Taylor Swift😬”
One of the netizens commented, “Is this the 12th version of Khloe? I lost count”. Fifth one penned, “They totally airbrushed you out of this photo😢”
Another one compared her with Sofia Vergara and commented, “shawty shapeshifted into sofia vergara.”
Well, what are your thoughts about it? Can you also see the similarity? Let us know in the comments!
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