Marvel dropped the trailer of Eternals on Monday and ever since then, it has been trending. The Angelina Jolie starrer received immense love from audiences and clocked 77 million views on its first day. Meanwhile, the fans on the internet are also sharing memes and questioning the immortal beings for not helping the Avengers fight Thanos.
The fans have been sharing memes on the internet making fun of Eternals ‘chilling’ while Thanos blipped humanity.
A Twitter user shared a meme in reference to Rachel McAdams’ Mean Girls character and wrote, “The eternals watching the avengers fight loki, ultron, each other and then thanos #Eternals.”
Another fan gave a reference to Gina Linetti from Brooklyn Nine-Nine and tweeted, “they never interfered #Eternals”.
Take a look at some of the memes here:
the eternals watching the avengers fight loki, ultron, each other and then thanos #Eternals
— alex (@shhurii) May 24, 2021
they never interfered #Eternals
— regina phalange 🐈 (@ilysmcevans) May 24, 2021
Eternals while the Avengers were getting destroyed by Thanos #Eternals
— kai • eternals era (@kai_becerel) May 24, 2021
The #Eternals: “Throughout the years, we’ve never interfered
The Avengers:
— Jimmy Folino – BLM & #StopAsianHate (@MrNiceGuy513) May 26, 2021
#Eternals when Thanos Decimating Half of the Universe 😁
— Marvel Stans Telugu (@Marvel_Stans) May 24, 2021
Meanwhile, a fan on Twitter explained the reason why Eternals didn’t come to help Avengers beat Thanos and wrote, “Dear all the people getting mad at the #Eternals for not helping the #Avengers defeat Thanos. In the trailer most of what they showed are flashbacks. In the present day the Eternals don’t remember they’re gods. They get awakened in this movie when a Deviant threatens Earth.”
Dear all the people getting mad at the #Eternals for not helping the #Avengers defeat Thanos. In the trailer most of what they showed are flashbacks. In the present day the Eternals don't remember they're gods. They get awakened in this movie when a Deviant threatens Earth. 👍💕
— Siobhan 🇬🇬 (@slinehan1) May 25, 2021
A user then replies to the comment and writes, “Eternals were never really gods, sometimes some of them were worshipped. But that’s because they had powers and others were weak. Also they never forgot who they were and are. They just pathetically didn’t participate in matters of common people until they are threatened. Period.”
Replying to this a fan wrote, “In Neil Gaiman’s run, Sprite erases the minds of the Eternals. A lot of people think they will most likely be following that story in the movie.”
And then a fan writes, “Exactly.. that’s when sersi (Gemma Chan) falls in love with black knight (kit Harrington).”
So, here it is. This is the reason why the Eternals didn’t help Avengers defeat Thanos.
The cast of Eternals stars Richard Madden, Kit Harington, Salma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Kumail Nanjiani, Gemma Chan among others. The show releases in November 2021.