At the grand opening of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC), several Hollywood big names like Zendaya, Gigi Hadid, Penelope Cruz and more opted for Indian looks and slayed on the red carpet. With that still fresh in mind, we looked at the past and found a picture of Kim Kardashian slaying in a s*xy saree.
Shocked what we are talking about? Well, back in 2018, Kim decided to go desi and showed off her crazy-strong abs, toned legs & cle*vage in a red sequined saree paired with a deep-cut neckline blouse. Scroll below to check out her look and read more about who designed it and how she styled it.
For Vogue India’s March 2018 issue, Kim Kardashian decided to give her Indian fans something to go gaga over by opting for some desi looks, including a red sequined saree and a high-slit lehenga choli. While both looks have a fan base, our focus today is on her slaying in the sequined saree in which she put on a busty display and showed off her curves.
For the magazine cover, Kim Kardashian opted for a scarlet chiffon saree with sequins from designer Sabyasachi Mukherjee. She paired the red super-sexy saree with a sleeveless blouse of the same material that left little to the imagination. She looks the right amount of all three ‘S’ – s*xy, sultry and swaggy.
Kim accessorized the look with huge but dainty hoop earrings and no other ornaments. While her blonde locks with dark roots were arranged in a beachy style, she kept her makeup simple by opting for a natural style. It included light smokey eye makeup, a nude lip shade and some matching nail paint.
Check out Kim Kardashian’s desi look here:
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