Nagarjuna recently announced the engagement of his son Naga Chaitanya with Sobhita Dhulipala. The dating rumors indeed turned out to be true, and netizens have been sympathizing with his ex-wife, Samantha. The Oo Antava actress may have witnessed personal turmoil, but we’d say she won in life with massive success and a net worth that even leading men from Indian cinema do not own. Scroll below for the interesting details!
Samantha began her acting journey in 2010. Interestingly, her debut film was Ye Maaya Chesave, a romantic film starring Naga Chaitanya as the leading man. That’s where they fell in love and dated for several years before getting engaged in 2017. They tied the knot the same year in October. Little did anyone know their marital bliss would hit rock bottom in less than four years of togetherness.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu Net Worth 2024
Today, Samantha is a bankable star in the South industry. She reportedly charges a fee of 3-5 crores. She’s been a part of box office successes like Dookudu (2011), Kaththi (2014), Theri (2016) and Rangasthalam (2018). She also gained a lot of recognition in mainstream cinema with her kickass moves in Oo Antava from Pushpa and praise-worthy performance in The Family Man 2.
As per reports, Samantha also makes a staggering sum of 8 crores per year from brand endorsements. She’s recently done commercials for leading brands like Samsung, Drools, Tommy Hilfiger, ICICI Bank, among others.
The Shaakuntalam owns a duplex apartment, which is reportedly worth around 8 crores. Apart from that, she’s a proud owner of a luxurious sea-facing 3BHK, valued at 15 crores.
Samantha also has an impressive car collection. Her fleet includes Jaguar XF, Land Rover, Audi Q7, Porsche Cayman GTS, BMW 7 Series, and a Mercedes Benz G63 AMG.
As per multiple sources, Samantha has an estimated net worth of 101 crores.
Naga Chaitanya Net Worth
Her ex-husband, Naga Chaitanya, has a reported net worth of 154 crores. Nagarjuna’s son made his debut in 2009. When compared, there’s a gap of exactly 53 crores. It would be safe to say that Prabhu has managed to taste success at an equal level, if not more, given the pay parity and many other drawbacks actresses face in the industry.
Sobhita Dhulipala Net Worth
Sobhita Dhulipala made her debut with Raman Raghav 2.0 in 2016. She’s been a part of a few Hindi, Telugu and Malaylam films but rose to fame in 2019 with Amazon Prime series Made In Heaven. She’s been a part of several other renowned projects like The Night Manager and the Ponniyin Selvan franchise.
As of 2024, Sobhita has a net worth that ranges between 7-10 crores. Even if one considers the upper value, Samantha still has around 910% higher fortune.
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It is to be noted that Sobhita Dhulipala entered the industry six years after Naga Chaitanya’s ex-wife, so hopefully she’ll catch up in coming years.
As for Samantha Ruth Prabhu, she’s living life queen-size!
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