Deepika Padukone never misses an opportunity to make a style statement with her fashionable wardrobe and chic outfits. The beauty made a stunning appearance at an event in Mumbai last night wearing a sheer black glittery saree and I’m not even kidding, she literally took my breath away with her choice of attire. Deepika looked no less than a celestial being in a saree and stole the show with her pearly white smile. Scroll below to take a look at her video.
Deepika isn’t just a brilliant actress but has become an international phenomenon with her fashionable choices and a remarkable career in the entertainment field. She’s now known in the West too and has recently become a face for Louis Vuitton and her billboards can be seen all over the world. Isn’t that amazing? She’s really making a mark for herself on the global map.
Deepika Padukone happens to be super popular on social media with over 68 million followers on Instagram and over 27 million followers on Twitter. Talking about her recent appearance, Deepika was spotted at an event along with her sister Anisha Padukone in the city.
Deepika Padukone wore a glittery black sheer saree with a matching cut-out blouse with full-sleeves and looked like a goddess in the same. She accessorised her look with golden danglers and pointy black Louboutin pumps and also flaunted her engagement rock in style.
For makeup, DP went for her signature subtle smokey eyes, loads of highlighter on cheekbones and nude lips.The Gehraiyaan actress donned a messy bun with middle-parting to finish off the look.
Take a look at her video below:
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How on Earth is she so perfect!
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