Ajay Devgn and Kajol’s 19-year-old daughter Nysa Devgan is the most talked about star kid in Bollywood. She’s often praised by netizens on social media for her impeccable fashion sense and she leaves no stone unturned when it comes to her style game. Now although her Instagram account is a private account, we get to see her glamorous side through her friends’ Instagram accounts and in the latest pictures, Nysa is setting our displays on fire with her extraordinary sultry mesh see-through glittery dress and we’re living for her chic wardrobe!
Nysa is often snapped chilling with her friends in the industry and one of them happens to be Orhan Awatramani who goes by his name Orry on social media. He’s not only friends with Devgan but also Janhvi Kapoor, Sara Ali Khan and Ananya Panday to name a few.
Now speaking about Nysa Devgan’s latest fashionable outings, Orry shared pictures on his Instagram where Ajay Devgn’s daughter can be seen wearing a glittery mesh see-through dress and is looking stunning as ever.
One thing that we really love and admire about Nysa Devgan is her on-point makeup skills every single time. In the other picture, she can be seen wearing a pretty lime and yellow coloured mini dress that she styled with nude pumps while flaunting her toned legs.
And yet again, we can’t take our eyes off her nude makeup and she can definitely give professional models a run for their money with those mad skills.
Take a look at her pictures below:
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