Finally, Vikram Vedha has managed to surpass Samrat Prithviraj collections at the box office. It had a lesser opening day and then was behind in the opening weekend collections as well. However, with Dusshehra holiday falling bang in the middle of the week, it gained some sort of advantage which added at least 2-3 crores to its collections. As a result, the first week total of the film stands at 60 crores*. With this, it has managed to surpass the first week collections of Samrat Prithviraj which stood at 55.05 crores.
This is how the Top-10 first week collections of Bollywood releases look like in 2022:
Brahmastra – 156 crores (Hindi)
The Kashmir Files – 97.30 crores
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 – 92.63 crore
Gangubai Kathiawadi – 68.93 crores
Vikram Vedha – 60 crores*
Samrat Prithviraj – 55.05 crores
JugJugg Jeeyo – 53.74 crores
Laal Singh Chaddha – 50.58 crores
Bachchan Pandey – 50.25 crores
Shamshera – 40.45 crores
As can be seen, The Kashmir Files was nowhere among the best opening days of 2022 and then sneaked its way into Top-10 when it came to the best opening weekend. Now when the first-week collections are being compiled, the Vivek Agnihotri-directed film finds itself right amongst the top. Meanwhile, Vikram Vedha wasn’t really finding a place amongst the Top-5 but it has managed to do that by the time the first week has come to a close. It is far behind Gangubai Kathiawadi though and the gap will only widen as days progress.
In terms of lifetime collections though, while Vikram Vedha will surpass Samrat Prithviraj, it would need to fight it out with JugJugg Jeeyo. The film is currently lower than it was when it comes to the first week numbers but then that film had stayed on for a long time and continued to add on moolah in the weeks that followed.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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