It feels more of a celebration on-going in Indian theatres, thanks to the Stree 2 mania. The minimum Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao‘s film has brought in the last four days at the box office is 35.30 crores (second day). And looks like the streak will continue today as it will enjoy an added benefit due to Raksha Bandhan. Scroll below to know what the advance booking for day 5 suggests.
Stree sequel was released on Independence Day, 2024. It arrived in theatres with Khel Khel Mein and Vedaa. But it could call it far from a “clash” as Amar Kaushik’s directorial won the race even before the big release. While it made 9.40 crores from paid previews alone, Akshay Kumar and John Abraham starrers couldn’t surpass the even seven crore mark on the opening day.
Stree 2 Day 5 Pre-Sales
As per the latest box office updates flowing in, Stree 2 has earned 6.80 crores gross (excluding blocked seats) via advance booking on day 5. This is a fantastic situation, given that the horror comedy has entered its first week. Today marks a partial holiday in several parts of the country because of Raksha Bandhan. The occupancies will only get better during the afternoon and evening shows.
Stree 2 sold around 2.21 lakhs+ tickets on Monday via pre-sales.
30 crores+ loading on day 5?
On the second day of Stree 2, which was a normal working Friday, around 2.35 lakh tickets were sold. Amar Kaushik’s directorial added around 8 crores gross (excluding blocked seats). The trend looks similar, and if the stronghold is maintained, the box office collections will again surpass the 30 crore mark.
Today, the extended weekend will conclude. Stree 2 has already accumulated box office collections of 204 crores and has been declared a super-duper hit. Only time will tell how many more surprises will be served on the platter.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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