We witnessed the biggest comeback in the history of Indian cinema, with Shah Rukh Khan destroying the Indian box office like anything. First with Pathaan and now with Jawan, the actor has proved why he’s called ‘King Khan’ and has already crossed the collection of 1000 crores in 2023. Now, with Dunki coming in December, the actor is going to achieve an unthinkable feat!
After the debacle of Zero in 2018, the romance has taken a back seat for Shah Rukh Khan. The superstar opted to treat the audience to his never-seen-before action avatar, and as those mad collections say, people are loving it. With Pathaan and Jawan, Khan has already emerged as the highest net earner in the history of Indian cinema and is miles ahead of his contemporaries.
For those who don’t know, Pathaan ended its lifetime run at 543.22 crores at the Indian box office. His Jawan, which is currently going full throttle in theatres, had earned 589.37 crores in 23 days. After combining, the cumulative total stands at 1132.59 crores net in 2023. This is absolutely crazy number, as Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki is yet to be released.
Going by the buzz of the film and Shah Rukh Khan’s golden run, Dunki is also expected to do rocking business in India, so one can expect the cumulative collection of 2023 to hit the 1500 crore mark for the actor. With this, Shah Rukh will outdo the business of his films during the last decade, ranging from 2011 to 2020. Crazy, isn’t it?
From Ra.One to Zero, Shah Rukh Khan has netted a cumulative collection of 1375.87 crores at the Indian box office. So, he just needs to earn 243.28 crores more to level his collection with the cumulative total of the last decade. And with Dunki releasing this December, the collection is expected to be crossed like a cakewalk.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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