Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan are two stars who have been ruling Bollywood for decades now. The duo, who played brothers on screen in the 1995 film Karan Arjun and are set to face off against each other in Tiger vs Pathaan, share an amazing bond. In fact, SRK even went as far as once calling the ‘Tiger’ star his brother.
This happened when the actor conducted his first ever Insta Live session – which took place in June 2022. During this chat, SRK got candid about many things, including completing three decades in Bollywood, his life, his ups and downs, and his relationship with Salman Khan. Read on to know what he had to say about the latter.
During his first Insta Live session – which ran for 30 minutes, Shah Rukh Khan was asked about his experience working with Salman Khan. The ‘Pathaan’ star answered this fan question, “There is no working experience. There’s always a love experience, happy experience, friendly experience, and brotherly experience.” He continued, “It’s amazing whenever I work with him. We haven’t really done a full-fledged film together, apart from one, which was also not full-fledged, to be honest. We were not together in the film for too long. So, we get to work 4-5 days in a year sometimes in a film.”
Shah Rukh Khan – while calling Salman Khan his family, revealed they are each other’s elder brother. The ‘Jawan’ actor said, “He is a brother. We don’t know who is the elder brother. Each one of us, on different days behave like an elder to each other, depending on who made the mistake.”
In the same session, SRK also recalled his fun working with Salman on Tubelight and then when Bhaijaan appeared in a cameo role in Zero. King Khan revealed then that he would love to be part of Salman’s Tiger 3, saying, “Inshallah, I will try to be in Tiger also.” And this has come true. While ‘Tiger’ Salman Khan played a pivotal part in SRK’s Pathaan, and SRK will be part of the upcoming action flick Tiger 3, the two spies will be seen locking horns in YRF’s Tiger Vs Pathaan.
Watch Shah Rukh Khan talk about it all here:
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