Maruthi Nagar Subrahmanyam has managed to capture attention and achieve decent success at the box office, particularly considering its low-budget nature and the challenge of attracting audiences without a major star or youthful content. Casting Rao Ramesh in the lead role was indeed a bold move, especially for a film lacking the usual commercial trappings. Even though the film is produced by Sukumar’s wife, Tabitha, that alone wouldn’t have guaranteed audience interest.
The strategy to involve Allu Arjun in the film’s pre-release event turned out to be a masterstroke. His presence and the way he spoke about his friends during the event created a significant buzz on social media, which in turn helped generate public interest in the film.
Over the weekend, Maruthi Nagar Subrahmanyam witnessed decent occupancy in theatres, with about 8,000 advance tickets sold on Book My Show within 24 hours—a strong showing, especially when compared to other films like Double iSmart and Mr Bachchan.
The film has collected 2.34 crore till Sunday and has managed to sustain momentum. Box office figures indicate a positive reception, even if it hasn’t achieved unanimous blockbuster status. The film’s light-hearted, comedic nature, coupled with the limited entertainment options available in theatres, seems to have worked in its favour.
Actors like Ajay Ghosh have previously attempted similar genres without much success, making Rao Ramesh‘s accomplishment in this film even more noteworthy. Despite some ups and downs throughout the film and a lukewarm response in BC centres, it has performed well in the main centres.
The upcoming Saturday will be crucial for the film’s continued box office run. It seems to have the potential to keep drawing crowds, especially in urban areas. However, competition is on the horizon, as Saripodhaa Sanivaram is set to arrive at the box office this weekend. Nani’s film, directed by Vivek Athreya, is hitting the screens on the 29th of this month, and its arrival will be closely watched by the industry.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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