It is not a secret that Telugu filmmaker Krishna Vamshi is enjoying the success of the re-release of his movie Murari, which starred Mahesh Babu in the lead role. This has led to many fans requesting him to re-release his other blockbuster actioner, Khadgam (2002), which starred Ravi Teja in the lead role. The director quickly paid heed to the fans’ request and announced that Khadgam would be re-released soon, on October 2, 2024. This has led us to wonder what will be the Khadgam re-release box office collection now that Ravi Teja has recently faced a box office loss in Mr Bachchan.
Would The Khadgam Re-Release Box Office Collection Redeem Mr Bachchan’s Box Office Failure?
Well, all eyes are on the Khadgam re-release box office collection and whether it will be able to redeem Ravi Teja’s disastrous Mr Bachchan’s collections. Expectations were high from Mr Bachchan as it witnessed an Independence Day release. Mr Bachchan’s lifetime collection was below 15 crore, which also resulted in a grave loss for Ravi Teja.
Yes, you heard that right! Ravi Teja and the director took responsibility for Mr Bachchan’s failure, and the superstar returned a chunk of his salary to People’s Media Factory as per a report by Track Tollywood. Reportedly, Ravi Teja had to return 4 crore, which was almost 16% of his salary of 25 crore. Needless to say, this was a massive loss for Ravi Teja and the entire team of Mr Bachchan. The movie was a remake of Ajay Devgn’s Raid. We can just hope that the Kadgam re-release box office collection now comes as a relief for the actor.
About Khadgam
Khadgam also starred Srikanth and Prakash Raj in the lead role. The movie was a blockbuster at the box office. It was produced by Sunkara Madhu Murali. We just hope that the movie manages to create the same magic that it had created back in 2002.
Must Read: Mr Bachchan: Ravi Teja Has Charged 50% Of The Film’s Budget As His Salary?
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