Two big films from Tollywood arrived in theatres on Independence Day. Ravi Teja’s Mr Bachchan and Ram Pothineni’s Double iSmart clashed at the Indian box office, and unfortunately, both are turning out to be big failures. Specifically talking about Teja’s film, it has taken a disappointing start, and it witnessed a crash yesterday. In front of Ajay Devgn’s Raid, it’s standing nowhere. Keep reading to know more!
Directed by Harish Shankar, the Telugu crime drama opened to mostly negative reviews. As the film is an official remake of Ajay Devgn’s critically acclaimed Raid, the audience was expecting it to be a good watch. Unfortunately, the makers have failed to match the content level offered by Ajay’s film. It seems that too many commercial elements have spoiled the film.
On day 1, Mr Bachchan earned just 5.25 crores net (including paid previews). Yesterday, it witnessed a sharp decline, and as per estimates, the film earned over 6 crores at the Indian box office in 2 days. This is a poor performance and despite the moderate budget, it is turning out to be a big failure.
Reportedly, Mr Bachchan is made on a budget of 50 crores. Considering the current pace, it seems that the film will even fail to recover its budget, forget about matching the performance of Raid, which was made at a similar cost. For those who don’t know, the Ajay Devgn starrer was made at a moderate cost of 48 crores, and against this cost, it earned impressive returns.
Raid did a business of 101.54 crores at the Indian box office against a budget of 48 crores, earning a profit of 53.54 crores. Calculated further, it equals returns of 111.54%. To beat this profit, Mr Bachchan will need to do a business of 106 crores, which will yield returns of 112%. However, as per the current negative trend, the film will struggle to even touch 50 crores.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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