After bringing in 5.23 crores on Thursday, the Independence Day holiday, Khel Khel Mein saw a drop in collections on Friday. This was expected as well since it’s a regular working day, though the fact also remains that there was a big holiday prior to that, and then it’s a regular weekend now, followed by the Monday holiday of Rakshabandhan. As a result, the hold could have been stronger.
That’s why, with 2 crores coming on Friday, the onus is on what happens from today till Monday since this is the time to pull in the maximum count of audiences and then expect the good word of mouth to start spreading stronger. The number is, of course, low so far. While Stree 2 is hugely responsible too for that to have happened since it emerged as the audience’s first choice by a distance, the good part is that Khel Khel Mein has been liked by those who have watched it, which means it has an opportunity to keep playing on during an open month ahead.
Still, it needs something on board by Monday with a positive trend, and now all eyes are on that to happen because the total so far is 7.23 crores*. While 20 crores should be crossed by Monday, the film will benefit if the collections get bigger.
Meanwhile, Khel Khel Mein is touted to be a family entertainer. The Akshay Kumar film helmed by Mudassar Aziz. It also stars Taapsee Pannu, Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan, Ammy Virk, and Aditya Seal in the lead roles.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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