Shah Rukh Khan is currently basking in the historic success of his latest release, Jawan. Helmed by Atlee, the film stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sunil Grover, Sanya Malhotra, and Ridhi Dogra in the lead roles, along with Deepika Padukone in a cameo appearance. The film will soon clock a month after its release at the box office, and not a single day has passed when it didn’t create or break records. From taking box offices by storm with its opening collection, SRK has set the worldwide box office ringing and how.
The Atlee directorial, released on September 7, recently entered fourth and has done a marvellous job on its fourth weekend. For the unversed, it became the first Bollywood film in cinema history to open at Rs 75 crore. Scroll down for its latest history.
On the fourth weekend, Jawan made a stupendous collection of Rs 4.90 crore on 4th Friday, Rs 8.27 Crore on 4th Saturday, and Rs 9.12 crore on 4th Sunday, making it a total of Rs 22.29 crore. With these numbers, Shah Rukh Khan starrer has made another record and has become the biggest 4th weekend ever in the history of Hindi films. Yes, you heard that right! For the uninitiated, the SRK starrer’s Hindi version has already earned Rs 547.79 crore till yesterday.
Jawan, which has made the highest collection of Rs 22.29 crore on its 4th weekend, has beat films like Uri, Baahubali 2 (Hindi), Gadar 2, and KGF 2 (Hindi), which earned Rs 18.25 crore, Rs 18.25 crore, Rs 17.50 crore and Rs 14.50 crore on its 4th weekend.
Earlier, it left films like Dangal, Baahubali, RRR, KGF 2 and Pathaan behind after SRK starrer became the 6th Indian film to touch the milestone of Rs 1000 crore gross worldwide.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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