After a couple of days of seeing a dip in collections, Jawan held on very well on Friday as 7.10 crores came in. On Thursday the film had brought in 7.25 crores in the Hindi version and the need of the hour was for the numbers to not go below the 7 crores mark. That’s what happened and with this hold in numbers, a very good jump in numbers today is set to take place.
There are two new releases this week, The Great Indian Family and Sukhee. Former has still seen some sort of release for itself while latter has arrived at very few shows. However, there was no impact whatsoever that was felt by Jawan and in fact the gap is only going to increase by exponential proportions today since the numbers will definitely jump by at least 60%-70%. This means the film could well collect around 12 crores today.
The Shah Rukh Khan starrer has now crossed the 475 crores milestone in the Hindi version as well and currently stands at 480.54 crores. Tomorrow, it will enter the 500 Crore Club and it would be time to pop the champagne all over again. Atlee has delivered an all time mega blockbuster which will continue to have an uninterrupted run till Wednesday at least before Fukrey 3 arrives and ends up taking the lead.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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