There are higher milestones that Ajay Devgn’s Drishyam 2 is now aiming for. While the opening weekend had ensured that the film will go past Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 lifetime, once the first week was through it was more or less a given that it will enter the 200 Crore Club. Now after spending 15 days in theatres, there is the next big target that has been identified for the film, and that’s 225 crores.
One can say that with confidence after seeing third Friday numbers which stand at a superb 4.45 crores. Thursday collections were 4.31 crores so one can well see how the film has exceeded expectations in a big way right at the start of the third week. First, it brushed aside the competition from Bhediya and now An Action Hero is far away and not bothering it at all. It would be Drishyam 2 all the way in this week as well, and then next week in any case there is no major release.
The Abhishek Pathak-directed suspense drama has now reached 167.93 crores and there would be major jumps evidenced today as well as tomorrow. That will help the film go past the 180 crores mark and post that it would be a matter of time before the 200 crores mark is crossed.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
Must Read: Bhediya Box Office Day 7: Does Below Expected Business In Week One, Deserved Better!
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