The Simmba duo of Rohit Shetty and Ranveer Singh is all set to arrive this Friday with Cirkus. As Rohit is a box office hit machine, expectations are high and trade experts feel that the film will end 2022 on a good note for Bollywood. But for that, there’s a need for a good start. As we talk about the opening day, let’s take about Ranveer’s top 10 openers!
As covered yesterday, the initial advance booking trends aren’t promising and moving at a slow pace for the Rohit Shetty directorial. Of course, the walk-ins play a major role for Shetty’s films, but the advance booking factor can’t be overlooked. Even a film like Drishyam 2, which was totally a word-of-mouth-dependent affair with a serious theme, witnessed a good response in the advance ticket sale. Here, it’s a family-friendly genre.
Despite the initial slow start in advance booking, Cirkus has a chance to score as the goodwill of Rohit Shetty will attract huge family crowds through walk-ins. Now that brings us to one question, “where will it make the film stand in Ranveer Singh’s top 10 openers?”. Well, making an exact prediction would be a dicey thing to do, but it looks safe to say that at least Bajirao Mastani would be crossed.
Take a look at Ranveer Singh’s top 10 box office openers:
Padmaavat – 24 crores (including paid previews)
Simmba – 20.72 crores
Gully Boy – 19.40 crores
Gunday – 16.12 crores
Ramleela – 15.85 crores
Bajirao Mastani – 12.80 crores
83 – 12.64 crores
Dil Dhadakne Do – 10.53 crores
Befikre – 10.36 crores
Kill Dill – 6.58 crores
What do you think, where will Cirkus starring Ranveer Singh stand in the above-mentioned list of openers? Share with us through comments.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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