Avatar 2 has entered the second weekend at the Indian box office and surprisingly, it is dominating more than expected. This Friday, Rohit Shetty’s Cirkus arrived and we hoped that the film would curb the momentum of the James Cameron directorial. In reality, the complete opposite could be seen. Now, let’s see how the magnum opus has fared on its day 9!
Avatar: The Way Of Water took a huge start in India by clocking 40 crore+ on consecutive three days of the weekend. Then, during weekdays, the film maintained a solid momentum, only to warm up before smashing the box office during the second weekend. The reason we say so is the grip over the second Friday and jump on Saturday, putting the visual extravaganza much ahead of Cirkus.
As per the early trends flowing in, Avatar 2 is earning 18-20 crores on day 9 i.e. second Saturday. It’s a tremendous jump from yesterday’s 13 crores*. It is far ahead of Cirkus in collections and has completely crushed the weekend hopes for the Rohit Shetty directorial. Even tomorrow, Avatar: The Way Of Water will maintain a solid number, thus denting Ranveer Singh’s film.
One could say that it’s Avatar 2, which is heading for a total in the range of 221-223 crores in India, managed to enjoy the Christmas benefit and not Cirkus!
Meanwhile, Avatar 2 has earned $661.58 million at the worldwide box office. Out of it, $197.68 million have come from North America. The international circuits have contributed $463.90 million so far.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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