Our favorite Bollywood celebrities have often made wild statements in the past that have not gone unnoticed by eagle-eyed fans. The Badshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, recently came under the scanner, as an old video of him with Preity Zinta has been going viral on social media. The superstar can be seen on her old chat show, Up Close And Personal With PZ, wherein he jokingly tells her that he can make her ‘pregnant.’ Not only is the video going viral like wildfire, but some netizens were quick to criticize the actor too.
Talking about the same, in the video, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen asking Preity Zinta whether she is expecting a child. This leaves his Veer Zaara co-star visibly flushed. He then goes on to say, “I can do this. I can make you pregnant.” This leaves Zinta with an awkward laugh. Take a look at the video.
My Name is Khan & I can make you Pregnant
Shit Bollywood for you! pic.twitter.com/fo30FuIe5p
— The Jaipur Dialogues (@JaipurDialogues) August 15, 2024
No sooner did the video go viral than netizens started reacting. Some users brutally trolled Shah Rukh Khan for his statement towards Preity Zinta. One of the netizens stated, “His mentality is seen.” While another user said, “He shall imagine if someone tells his wife the same?” while a netizen added, “That’s objectionable behavior and vulgar. This man is so cheap. The cult media made him charming, but his real side is disgusting.” However, some fans of the Dunki actor defended him, stating that it was just a joke, and Preity Zinta took it sportingly.
Shah Rukh Khan and Preity Zinta worked in movies like Veer Zaara, Kal Ho Na Ho, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, and Dil Se. Meanwhile, on the work front, SRK will be seen in Sujoy Ghosh’s King. The movie will also star his daughter Suhana Khan and Abhishek Bachchan. Abhishek will be essaying the main antagonist in the crime-thriller flick.
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