Rishi Kapoor was known for his humour and unabashed opinions. The actor never minced his words and spoke about things according to his beliefs. Similarly, back in 2017, the veteran star took a dig at Anurag Kashyap and Anurag Basu for making his son Ranbir Kapoor’s career a mess, after he acted in films like Jagga Jasoos and Bombay Velvet.
Both the films were different in their own way and it was box office dud. Although the trailer seemed interesting but the films failed to attract audiences in the cinema halls. During the interview, the Bobby star didn’t lose the opportunity to bash the 2 Anurag’s of the Bollywood industry.
While appearing on Neha Dhupia‘s podcast, No Filter Neha, the veteran star Rishi Kapoor was given one minute on the topic the actress will ask him to speak about. Interestingly, the word was ‘Anurag’. The actor started, “Anurag? There is Anurag Kashyap, who made Bombay Velvet, but he made a better film in Gangs Of Wasseypur, I couldn’t understand the head or tail of Bombay Velvet. And then there was Basu who made Barfi an outstanding film.”
Rishi Kapoor added, “I am so happy he took my son for it. My son got great recognition for the film and then he made this Gajja Jasoos..what Jagga Jasoos whatever.. which he made a total mess of. It was as messy as my pronunciation was. He probably got indulged too much. I guess both the Anurag’s got indulged in their films.”
“You know when they are good enough to work on a certain budget and suddenly they are given huge budgets in hand so bandar ke haath mein khilona nahin aa jaata hai, he goes absolutely berserk. So I think that’s what actually happened with both of these guys. They were given budgets they could not handle and I guess it happens. It happens with every director, every actor you can’t have a hundred per cent record anyway…So it happens”
Not just this, Rishi Kapoor in an earlier interview had called Anurag Basu an irresponsible director because he didn’t complete Jagga Jasoos on time. The film got delayed multiple times before finally being released on July 14, 2017.