Tiger Shroff is one of the most loved actors in Bollywood. The action star who enjoys a massive fan following on and official social media was last seen in Heropanti 2, which had emerged as a box office dud. Earlier, taking to his official Instagram the actor had reacted to his film’s box official debacle by saying “release ke baad L lag gaye.” Time and again, Tiger Shroff has been praised for his action in reel and real life.
The Heropanti actor has often expressed his desire to work in Hollywood and has even worked with Jackie Chan.
Now in his latest interview, Tiger Shroff has revealed that he once auditioned for Marvel’s most loved franchise Spider-Man. Yes, you heard that right! He has earlier revealed that he has auditioned for some Hollywood projects one of which was Spider-Man. Speaking to Connect FM Canada, Tiger Shroff revealed that he auditioned for Spider-Man and even told the makers that he could save them a lot of money as most things Spider-Man does he does himself.
Tiger Shroff said, “I had auditioned for Spider-Man, I had sent them my tapes, and they were quite impressed. My pitch to them was that I’d save you a lot of money on your VFX because I can do most of what Spider-Man can do. I was quite close to being a part of that.”
The Baaghi actor also hopes to become a global superstar like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. “I’ve had the privilege to meet a lot of esteemed people from there, and they seem to be very interested in what I do. Ever since Jackie Chan, there hasn’t been a crossover action hero, per se,” he told the FM channel.
Tiger Shroff may have not acted Spider-Man but was still connected to it as he lent his voice for Spider-Man: Homecoming in 2017 Hindi.
Coming back, how many of you knew about Tiger’s audition for Spider-Man? Well, we didn’t.
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