Varun Dhawan has completed over a decade in the film industry, starting his journey as Karan Johar’s Student of the Year along with Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra. The actor recently made a thrilling cameo in Stree 2 as Bhediya from Maddock’s horror comedy universe. The movie reunited the OG gang headlined by Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, along with Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurrana. Previously, we reported on the cast salary of the latest release. However, Varun’s name was not mentioned, as it was disclosed after the movie came out.
The 2024 movie is a sequel to the 2018 superhit movie, which kickstarted Maddock’s supernatural horror universe. The 2018 movie was based on the urban legend of Nale Ba, and the latest release is about the headless ghost. The film is receiving much love at the cinemas and is expected to be a colossal success eventually. Keep scrolling for the deets.
Varun Dhawan joined Maddock’s Supernatural Universe with Bhediya in 2022. It was also directed by Amar Kaushik. Arunachal Pradesh’s folklore inspired the film’s plot about a Yapum, a shape-shifting werewolf who wants to protect the jungle. Taking inspiration from Hollywood movies, especially the comic book films of Marvel and DC, Varun’s Bhaskar appeared in Stree 2 to help Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s characters fight against the headless ghost. The connecting link between these two films was Abhishek Banerjee’s Jana. He is Bhaskar’s cousin and Vicky’s friend. Jana first appeared in 2018’s Stree.
How much did Varun Dhawan get paid for Stree 2?
Pankaj Tripathi is a versatile actor whose star power has exponentially increased in the past few years. On the massy level, Varun might have an upper hand because of his movies. But Tripathi is also an enigma. In our previous article, we revealed that the media reported Pankaj charged 3 crore for his full-fledged role in Shraddha Kapoor-led Stree 2, which is half of what Rajkummar Rao took home. He earned 6 crore for playing the adorable Vicky.
Meanwhile, Varun Dhawan had a cameo in the movie, and for that brief appearance, the Bhediya star reportedly took home a whopping 2 crore. As per Deccan Chronicle, Varun charges around 25 crore per film. On the other hand, the Mirzapur actor generally charges 2-3 crore per movie. For a detailed report on the other cast members’ salaries of Stree 2, check this article here.
Rajkummar Rao, Shraddha Kapoor, Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurrana starrer Stree 2 was released on August 15.
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