Shah Rukh Khan, a significant figure in Hindi cinema, has had several ups and downs in his career. Following the disappointing performance of his film Zero, Khan considered a new direction, opening a restaurant. On a media appearance to celebrate the success of Pathaan, SRK said, “Another thing that came in my mind, is my last film Zero didn’t work. And people were like, my films will not work anymore, so I thought of picking up alternate business. I also learnt how to cook, hoping that maybe I’d open a restaurant. I learnt to make Italian.”
Despite these challenges, Khan’s fortunes changed dramatically with the release of Pathaan. The film was a huge success, grossing more than Rs 500 crores globally. During a press conference to commemorate the film’s success, Khan reflected on how the pandemic gave him an unexpected opportunity for introspection.
He said, “During the pandemic, when everything came to a halt, I finally had the time to slow down. The pandemic had its share of good and bad aspects. I didn’t work for two years, which gave me the chance to watch Aryan, Suhana, and AbRam grow up and spend precious moments with my loved ones.”
Khan Reflects on Challenges and Expresses Gratitude for Support
Despite the challenges, Khan was grateful for the help he received. He admitted that the epidemic had its ups and downs: it halted his business but provided him with more time with his family. Although Zero’s poor performance raised concerns about his future films, he remained optimistic and focused on his upcoming projects.
During the press conference, Khan thanked his fans and the media for their support. He admitted that he should have communicated more with the media and acknowledged their importance in his career. Despite the difficulties surrounding Pathaan’s release, Khan was grateful for everyone’s continued support.
Looking ahead, Khan is working on a new film titled King. Sujoy Ghosh directed this project, which stars his daughter Suhana Khan. The actor looks forward to upcoming projects and is thrilled about his new movie.
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