Shah Rukh Khan, who needs no introduction, is undoubtedly the most famous Bollywood celebrity in the world. The actor has proved his popularity with his latest action thriller Pathaan, which has scripted history with its numbers. Apart from films, SRK’s fans enjoy watching him being active on social media. As the actor has a following of over 36 million on Instagram, he only follows six people. Read on to know who they are.
SRK shared the screen with Deepika and John in his latest Pathaan. The movie has managed to break several records as it crossed the Rs 500 crore mark in Hindi.
Shah Rukh Khan is surely a family man and never fails to talk about his wife Gauri Khan and children, Aryan, Suhana and AbRam. Moreover, he often slides into comment sections of Aryan and Suhana’s posts. Seeing that King Khan follows only six people on Instagram, it is obvious that the actor follows his wife and kids. For the unversed, AbRam does not have an Insta profile.
Other than that, Shah Rukh Khan’s following list also has his manager Pooja Dadlani. Pooja has been SRK’s manager since 2012 and shares a close bond with the actor’s family. She is often spotted with the Raees actor and his family and was last photographed with them during Anant Ambani’s engagement with Radhika Merchant.
The fifth person that Shah Rukh Khan follows is Alia Chhiba, who is the daughter of Gauri’s brother. Alia is very close to her cousins Suhana, Aryan and AbRam.
Kaajal Anand, who also goes by Putlu, which is her IG username, is the sixth person that SRK follows. Kaajal is a former lawyer, who was also a part of Sanjay Dutt’s legal team. She is now known for hosting celebrity parties.
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