Ranbir Kapoor recently revealed that he would have gotten married to long time girlfriend, Alia Bhatt if there hadn’t been a pandemic and if his family wasn’t hit by it. Earlier today, the couple was spotted leaving with family for Jaipur. Not only them, but actors Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone were also spotted heading for the same destination too.
All the actors were spotted at the Jaipur airport and now fans are suspecting if Alia and Ranbir are getting married.
We all know that Jaipur is a beautiful place and a lot of famous people have exchanged vows at the beautiful destination. While Ranbir Kapoor was spotted along with sister Riddhima Kapoor Sahni, mother Neetu Kapoor, brother-in-law Bharat Sahni and niece Samara, Alia Bhatt’s family present consisted of mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt. Director Ayan Mukerji also accompanied the respective families.
Even Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone left from Mumbai and were later spotted at Jaipur airport.
Now, fans are wondering if the Brahmāstra stars are getting married. Take a look at the videos here and fans reactions below:
Soon after their video went viral, fans started speculating if the two are getting married. One user commented, “Wedding soon”. Another commented, “Are they getting married in jaipur aloo and ranbir as Deepu and ran are also in jaipur..”. A third wrote, “Shadi hone wali hai 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍too much excited”
A while ago, in a conversation with Rajeev Masand, Ranbir Kapoor reportedly said that the deal would have been sealed had the pandemic not hit their lives. The actor also added that he does not want to jinx it by saying anything, but he wants to tick mark that goal very soon in his life.
The Sanju actor also spoke very highly about his ladylove Alia Bhatt. Spilling the beans on what he did during the lockdown, the actor revealed that his girlfriend is a bit of an overachiever, and she probably took every class there is — from guitar to screenwriting. Ranbir added that he always feels like an underachiever next to her. Answering the question, the actor said that he did not take any classes during the pandemic. According to him, initially, they were dealing with the family crisis, and then he got into reading, spent time with his family, and watched two-three films every day.
What are your thoughts on families chilling together in Jaipur? Are Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt actually getting married? Tell us in the comments below.