The 2019 film Kabir Singh proved to be a massive success at the box office, but it also came with much controversy. Many fans found the titular character of Kabir to be highly problematic, violent, and toxic, especially when it came to his treatment of his ladylove Preeti. Even though Shahid Kapoor’s performance in the same was appreciated, he faced an equal amount of backlash for giving his nod to the film. In a recent interview, actor Rajkummar Rao revealed that he would probably have never done the movie because it is difficult for him to slap a woman onscreen. For the unversed, Kabir Singh had a scene where Kabir (Shahid) slapped his girlfriend, Preeti (Kiara Advani).
In a recent interaction with HT City, Rajkummar Rao revealed that he would never slap a girl onscreen when asked about that one thing he would never do in a movie. The Newton actor said, “Actually, it would be very hard for me to slap a girl in a scene. I wouldn’t be able to do it.” He was immediately asked whether he would have been able to pull off a film like Kabir Singh. To this, Rao said, “Yeah, maybe I would have had a lot of discussions with my director about this scene. Unless it’s like something which you cannot CANNOT live without, you know your character just cannot live without, it’s like breathing that has to be there… I would get into a big debate with my director.” He referred to the scene wherein Shahid Kapoor’s Kabir slaps Kiara Advani’s Preeti in a fit of rage.
“It would be very hard for me to slap a girl in a scene,” @RajkummarRao makes it clear. And what if he was offered a film like #KabirSingh? Here’s what he said at #HTStarsInTheCity with @sonalkalra.
— HT City (@htcity) August 13, 2024
However, Rajkummar Rao revealed that he would still like to explore a grey role which we are sure he will easily pull off. The Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani starrer was directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga. Meanwhile, on the work front, Rajkummar is gearing up for his upcoming comedy-horror flick Stree 2. The film is a sequel to its 2018 super-hit prequel, which also stars Shraddha Kapoor in the lead role,
Rajkumar Rao’s performance in the trailer of the film has been garnering a lot of positive response amongst the fans. Viewers are also loving his endearing chemistry with Shraddha Kapoor. Reportedly, Stree 2 will also have a cameo of Akshay Kumar.
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