In 2008, Anushka Sharma debuted in Bollywood in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, sharing the screen with Shah Rukh Khan, directed by Aditya Chopra. The movie was a blockbuster, and Anushka as Taani was loved and praised by the audience. But did you know not Anushka Sharma but Sonam Kapoor was also a part of this race? Continue to read on.
During the promotion of Bewakoofiyan, Sonam Kapoor revealed in an interview that she had convinced Aditya Chopra to give an audition for this movie. However, on the final day of the audition, director Aditya Chopra told Sonam Kapoor that they had a new girl for the audition and if her audition goes well, they will continue with her. Sonam tried convincing Aditya by saying that she was also a ‘new girl.’ Later, when the makers learned that Sonam Kapoor had signed Delhi 6 and was playing the role of Delhi girl, they completely dropped the thought of casting her. In an interview, Sonam said that, for Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, she and Anushka were in a race, but eventually, the role went to Anushka Sharma, and she lost it.
Later, in an interview, Anushka Sharma also disclosed how Aditya Chopra asked her to keep her debut in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi secret from everyone, including her parents. Anushka Sharma said, “Everything was under wraps. No one knew about it, and Adi didn’t want anybody to know I was the lead actor. Adi said to me, you can’t tell anybody. You cannot even tell your parents.”
Well, as they say, some things are destined to happen, and how? Anushka Sharma aced the role of Taani in Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. Fans loved her chemistry with Shah Rukh Khan in the same. This also paved the way for the actress to deliver some versatile performances in the industry.
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