Adipurush team revealed its first promo in the form of a teaser but unfortunately, not everything has gone as expected. Netizens have been calling out Saif Ali Khan’s look as Ravan and comparing it to Mughals. Even Ramayan fame Dipika Chikhlia and Mukesh Khanna expressed their disappointment over the same. Now, an animation studio has accused T-Series of copying the poster ft. Prabhas. Scroll below for all the details.
As most know, Adipurush is based on the epic Ramayana. Prabhas will be seen playing the role of Ram while Kriti Sanon is Sita. Saif Ali Khan, on the other hand, will be portraying the character of Raavan. Sunny Singh, Devdatta Nage, Vatsal Sheth, Sonal Chauhan are other members in the ensemble cast.
An animation studio, Vaanar Sena Studios, has now claimed that T-Series has unapologetically copied their poster of Raghava and used it without even crediting them. They shared a collage in order to show the uncanny resemblance between both the stills and captioned it, “Looks like makers inspired Adipurush first look poster from Lord Shiva still.”
They added, “Such a shame, T- Series should mention the original creator, who developed the artwork @vaanarsenastudios.” Many netizens supported the animation studio and slammed the makers of Prabhas led Adipurush in the comments section.
A user wrote, “Copy paste kar diya (Just copy pasted it).”
Another commented, “Not inspired! But copied.”
The post by Vaanarsena has absurdly been deleted now.
An animation studio has claimed that a poster of '#Adipurush ' is a copy of its work. #VaanarSenaStudios shared its own Lord Shiva poster and compared it with 'Adipurush' poster featuring #PRABHAS and wrote that the producers must at least credit it.
— All that trending (@allthatrending) October 6, 2022
Many even tagged creator Vivek Ram from the studio and told T-Series, “Hello, the original artwork on the right is by the artist @markeviv Please mention the same in your post. Let it reach the makers so that the due credit is given to this incredible artist. This is so disappointing to know!”
Vivek has shared all of these screenshots on his Instagram story. Check it out below:
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