Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan has created havoc at the box office and how! The film, which was released on January 25, ahead of Republic Day, has shattered numerous records with its stupendous collections at the ticket window. Co-starring Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in the lead, the film also featured Dimple Kapadia, Ashutosh Rana, and Ekta Kaul among others in the key roles. Now, here’s good news for those who are yet to watch SRK’s action thriller.
As of now, the film’s Hindi version is inching closer to the 500 crore mark at the box office while it has already crossed the 800 crore mark worldwide. Now here’s what YRF has decided to boost it more.
According to the latest media reports, Pathaan’s ticket prices have been brought down for it to be more affordable for cinema-goers. Earlier reports were abuzz that the rates will be cut down by 25% after producer Aditya Chopra saw potential in the film. Now the latest reports state that the new weekend ticket prices will be as cheap as the weekday prices.
It is being said that YRF has decided to reduce ticket rates at national chains to make the cinema-going experience more affordable. As a result, the weekday rates are similar to weekend rates.
Well, this clearly seems to be good news for all the SRK lovers who were waiting with bated breath to watch the film on the big screen.
Meanwhile, ‘Pathaan’ Shah Rukh Khan was recently in the news when a video of his young fan surfaced on the web where he was seen giving big thumbs down to the film. While the video went viral in no time, SRK also won many hearts with his epic reply.
Coming back, what are your thoughts on Pathaan’s ticket prices being cut down? Do let us know.
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