It was quite unexpected of Kangana Ranaut to accuse Brahmastra actor Ranbir Kapoor of allegedly stalking her. The actress did not take any names but gave enough hints for fans to understand that she was talking about RK. In addition, she dragged Alia Bhatt saying “wife is supporting his obsessive behavior.” Amidst it all, netizens are comparing her to Parveen Babi. Scroll below for more details.
As most know, the late Parveen died in a tragic way. She was found in her apartment 3 days after passing away when the security guard noticed she wasn’t picking up any grocery or newspapers from her doorsteps. There have been a lot written about her romance with Danny Denzongpa and Mahesh Bhatt. But did you know, she once accused Amitabh Bachchan of kidnapping her and trying to take her life?
Netizens are now comparing Kangana Ranaut to Parveen Babi as she lays shocking accusations on Ranbir Kapoor and his wife Alia Bhatt. It all began when KRK took to his Twitter handle and wrote, “Actress #KanganaRanaut𓃵 is accusing #RanbirKapoor and #AliaBhatt for spying on her activities. Fair enough!”
Ranbir Kapoor fans bombarded the comment section and brutally trolled Kangana Ranaut. Many even claimed that she should be sent to a mental hospital.
A comment read, “I think kangana ki shaadi karwa dena chayein bas frustration sabki shaadi hori hai uski nahi”
Another commented, “Next Parveen Babi in making”
“Spying on Kangana, seriously!!!! Has she joined RAW or some important organization?? And if she is serious, she must go to police. Attention seeker of Bollywood,” another commented.
A troll reacted, “Kangna ranaut ko koi mental hospital mein Bharti Kar do sab problme solve ho jayega”
“‘Parveen Babi’ part 2,” another commented.
Actress #KanganaRanaut𓃵 is accusing #RanbirKapoor and #AliaBhatt for spying on her activities. Fair enough!🎉😁
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) February 6, 2023
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