While Shah Rukh Khan is currently trending for the trailer of his upcoming film ‘Pathaan’, we bring yet another exciting news for his fans. The actor reportedly beats Tom Cruise and has become the 4th world’s richest actor despite not doing any films in the last few years. And not to forget, SRK is the only Indian actor to make it to the list and he’ll soon be beating Dwayne Johnson as the difference between the income isn’t very high. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Here’s the list of top 8 richest actors in the world according to a Twitter account World Of Statistics:
Jerry Seinfeld – $1 Billion
Tyler Perry – $1 Billion
Dwayne Johnson – $800 Million
Shah Rukh Khan – $770 Million
Tom Cruise – $620 Million
Jackie Chan – $520 Million
George Clooney – $500 Million
Robert De Niro – $500 Million
Now, if you calculate Shah Rukh Khan’s income to INR, it would come to around Rs 63,740,982,690.
Also, if you would notice he’s only $30 million behind Dwayne Johnson which would ideally sound A LOT to many but for King Khan making a comeback after 4 years, this won’t seem like a huge difference to cross.
A Reddit page named Bolly Blinds N Gossip also shared the screenshot of the list on the site and a user reacted to this and commented, “To everyone wondering why, it’s because of his investment in KKR and the monstrous rise in the valuation of the IPL and it’s teams.”
Srk is the only Indian actor in Richest actors in the world list 😮 from BollyBlindsNGossip
What are your thoughts on Shah Rukh Khan beating Tom Cruise in the World’s Richest Actors’ list? Tell us in the comments below.
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