Bollywood’s Chaiyyan Chaiyyan girl Malaika Arora was recently snapped going out and about in the city. The actress was accompanied by her best friend Kareena Kapoor Khan and sister Amrita Arora. The girl gang kept it cool and chic as they posed for shutterbugs. While we couldn’t take our eyes off their chic attires, what caught netizens’ attention was Malla’s light beige backless top which she paired with black bell-bottom pants.
Soon after a video of her getting inside the car surfaced on social media, netizens didn’t take long to slam the actress for wearing a revealing outfit. Malaika seemed to have undergone an oops moment that was caught by paps on camera.
Social media users slammed Malaika Arora for going braless and wearing a side b**b revealing bra. But looks like, a special request was made to the paps for removing the controversial video from their respective platforms. Yes, that’s right! After receiving huge backlash from the Twitterverse, Paps deleted the viral clip from Insta.
Watch the video below:
Malaika Arora has often gotten subjected to trolls. It was just recently Malaika had talked at length when she was asked about getting trolled for her fashion choices. She told Bollywood Bubble, “A woman is always judged by the length of her skirt or the plunge of her neckline. I cannot live my life according to what people have to say about my hemline or my neckline. The dressing is a very personal choice. You may think a certain way but it may not be for me. I cannot dictate it to anybody and everybody. My personal choices should be my personal choices and vice-versa so I cannot sit in judgment and say, ‘Oh, why are you dressing a certain way?’”
Malika Arora further stated, “If I feel comfortable and at the end of the day, I am not silly and stupid. I know what looks good on me, I know what doesn’t. If tomorrow, I feel it’s a tad bit too much, I am not going to. But again, that is my choice, nobody has the right to tell me that. If I am comfortable with my skin, with my body, with my age, then so be it. You have to fall in line, it’s as simple as that.”