Amid the poor box office performance of Tejas, Kangana Ranaut recently landed in Lucknow for the special screening of her latest film. Helmed by Sarvesh Mewara, the film has garnered mixed responses at the ticket window, resulting in lower collections. In the latest turn of events, a screening of ‘Tejas’ at Lok Bhawan Auditorium in Lucknow took place, following which the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was getting emotional.
Soon after the screening, the actress addressed the media and spoke about the event and her film. A few days back, she had taken to her social media to drop a video of her requesting fans to watch her film in the theatre.
Coming back, since evening, Kangana Ranaut’s video has been doing the rounds of social media, and it sees the Tejas actress talking about Yogi Adityanath’s assurance to her. The video has went viral and it sees her saying, “Yogi ji ne hume ashwasan Diya hai ki iss film ke dushman, JJtne bhi anti national tatv hai jo is movie ke peeche pade hue hain. Toh unho ne ashwasan Diya hai ki wo humari support karenge aur Jo nationalist hai unhe prostahit karenge iss film se judenge’”
Soon after the video went viral, netizens expressed their anger and even dragged Shah Rukh Khan, his films and his son Aryan Khan in their comments. A user wrote, “How ridiculous. If film is good, everybody will see. When his son was illegally detained, everybody was trying to Vilify Shahrukh but his recent films are given highest by the same people. Invoking nationalism and trying to garner support from power is a tactics much abused. She should have learnt a lesson from that Agnihotri guy. It always fails if you use same weapon again and again. You are an artist, remain an artist. That’s good for cinema and yourself as well.”
‘Yogi ji ne hume ashwasan Diya hai ki iss film ke dushman, JJtne bhi anti national tatv hai jo is movie ke peeche pade hue hain. Toh unho ne ashwasan Diya hai ki wo humari support karenge aur Jo nationalist hai unhe prostahit karenge iss film se judenge’
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) October 31, 2023
While another said, “She tried to target, defame Bollywood and now she expects viewers.”
A third one wrote, “Kuch bhi… Product kachra nikla toh.. Vivek Agnihotri ban gayi..”
A few days back @KanganaTeam said people are not watching her film #Tejas because of Covid.
But now she blames ‘Anti Nationals for trying to block the success of her movie.— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) October 31, 2023
Earlier, requesting fans to watch Tejas in the theatres, Kangana Ranaut had blamed the post-COVID impact on the industry that has made audiences reject 99% of films.
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