In 2013, Bollywood actress Jiah Khan died by suicide and post that, Sooraj Pancholi was accused of abetment to suicide, and an investigation is going on. Jiah was allegedly in a relationship with Sooraj. As per recent developments, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is dropping Sooraj’s father, Aditya Pancholi as a witness. Scroll down to learn more about it in detail!
Jiah and Sooraj were living together since 2012. After the death of the Nishabd actress, her mother, Rabia Khan, accused the actor and his family of ill-treating her daughter in the past. As per reports, Aditya and four others have been summoned by the sessions as witnesses, but there has been a change in the actor’s status as a witness.
According to a report by the Free Press Journal, CBI informed a special court that they are dropping Aditya Pancholi as a witness in the Jiah Khan suicide case. The statement read that the agency’s prosecutor Manoj Chauhan said that the witness is “won over” by the accused and examining him will only damage their case. The report also mentions that they have dropped yet another witness who used to work as domestic help for Sooraj Pancholi’s family.
The statement of Aditya Pancholi, recorded by the Juhu Police, states that he and Sooraj visited Jiah Khan’s mother after the actress’ suicide. Rabia‘s advocate Shekhar Jagtap said they would plead that CBI doesn’t examine him, but before they could officially file it, the prosecution decided to drop him and informed the court.
For the unversed, Sooraj Pancholi made his debut with Hero in 2015. Post Jiah Khan’s death He even won a Filmfare Award for his debut role. He was last seen in 2021, Time To Dance.
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