Veteran Bollywood actor and wife of late India cricket captain, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, Sharmila Tagore has revealed that legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar — who died on February 6 at 92 years of age — had raised Rs. 20 lakh for the 1983 World Cup-winning team.
The actor said that at that time the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) was not a lucrative body and they didn’t have funds to felicitate the players.
“She (Lata Mangeshkar) was very fond of cricket. In 1983, when we won the World Cup, she raised funds with her brother (Hridaynath Mangeshkar). They raised Rs. 20 lakh for the Indian cricket team and they got Rs. one lakh lakh each,” Tagore told Aaj Tak on Sunday.
“At that time, BCCI didn’t have that much money. Even for Goa, with Sudhir Phadke saab (who was involved in Goa Freedom Movement), they did a concert for Goa Liberation and she contributed to that also,” added Tagore.
Lata Mangeshkar was admitted to the Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai after she had tested Covid-19 positive on January 8. She was undergoing treatment there and breathed her last on February 6.