Legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar passed away on Sunday and several noted celebrities attended her funeral. Pictures from her funeral went viral on social media wherein Shah Rukh Khan was seen offering prayers to but some miscreants trolled him for allegedly ‘spitting’ on the mortal remains of the singer. Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut has now reacted to the trolls.
Many prominent personalities including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, among others were present to offer last respects to the legendary singer at the cremation ceremony held at Shivaji Park in Mumbai.
As per the DNA report, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut slammed the online trolls by saying, “It is shameful the way people are trolling him (Shah Rukh Khan). Some people are doing politics in the name of religion even on the sad occurrence of Lata Ji’s demise. We all know who these people are. Nobody needs to be told.”
The leader was referring to the viral picture wherein King Khan was seen reciting ‘dua’ (prayer), while his manager Pooja Dadlani could be seen folding her hands to pay homage to the celebrated singer. After he recited the prayer, SRK followed the Islamic ritual of blowing air. While many were touched by the superstar’s gesture a section of people also criticised him for allegedly ‘spitting’ on the mortal remains of the legendary singer.
Previously, Bollywood actress turned politician Urmila Matondkar too slammed netizens for trolling Shah Rukh Khan for praying on the mortal remains of the legendary singer. She said, “As a society, we have deteriorated so much that we think praying is spitting. You are talking about an actor who has represented the country on various international platforms. Politics has reached such low levels and it’s really sad”.
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प्रधानमंत्री जी की फ़ोटो तो लगा रखी हैं, उनसे कुछ सीखा होता।
भारत माँ कीं अनमोल बेटी का गाना सुनें
“ईश्वर अल्लाह तेरे नाम, सबको सन्मति दे भगवान,
सारा जग तेरी सन्तान”
(आज का दिन तो छोड़ देतें🙏🏻) https://t.co/fjmUWor9Fh pic.twitter.com/c6tkhiEK1d— Urmila Matondkar (@UrmilaMatondkar) February 6, 2022