Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone flaunted their s*xiest avatars in Besharam Rang. Little did one expect that the first Pathaan song would land in a national controversy. Home Minister of MP objected to woman in a saffron bikini and the idea of a Muslim man groping her! Ever since, there has been a lot of noise but looks like there’s at least one positive outcome.
In the past, we have seen a lot of Bollywood films benefitting due to the negativity. Padmaavat was one such film that created a massive uproar across the country. Laxmii starring Akshay Kumar also created a massive pre-release buzz amid the controversies although failed massively on the content front.
It looks like Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone led Besharam Rang has also found its blessing in disguise as the song becomes the fastest Bollywood track to cross 100 million. The news has been shared by a Reddit user and Pathaan fans have the best possible reactions!
A Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone fan reacted, “Pura desh promotion main laga hua hai…sabke mehnat ka fal”
Another commented, “ppl who wrote essays to try n discredit it by watching it multiple times have also contributed to this milestone. hehe. letss goo”
A Pathaan fan took a diss at T-Series as they commented, “Considering the song had no promoted ads like Tseries songs, the numbers are great”
“To those who doubt SRKs intellect, provoked the entire country’s keyboard warriors to gain youtube revenue and promote his film lmaooo,” reacted a Shah Rukh Khan fan.
Besharam Rang becomes the fastest bollywood song to get 100M views… from BollyBlindsNGossip
Well, looks like Pathaan fans can call for celebrations!
Meanwhile, a new song Jhoome Jo Pathaan has been released today. It has also landed in controversy as many claim it has been copied from Sukhwinder Singh’s old song, Karam ki Talwar-Arjun: The Warrior Prince.
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