The year 2023 saw a major turnaround for Hindi films at the Box Office. However, the most unexpected performer turned out to be Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2, which created a rampage at the Box Office with a 500+ crore collection. Now, after enjoying the film’s success, the superstar has decided not to slow down and has swiftly moved on to his next project.
Reports say that the Gadar actor is collaborating with Aamir Khan for his next film, which will be produced by Mr Perfectionist and directed by Rajkumar Santoshi. Sunny and Santoshi have had a brilliant past at the Box Office with films like Ghayal and Damini.
They are ready to rewrite a chapter about their successful reunion, and with Aamir Khan coming on board, Sunny Deol’s next is already making the right kind of sounds. Details of the film have been kept under wraps, but Zoom in the latest report suggests that the film has been offered close to 100 crore by an OTT giant.
Aamir Khan has come on board to produce this film starring Sunny Deol and an announcement is on the way, scheduled for October 19. Reports suggest that the film has been offered a price of 95 crore, even before any detail of the film spills out.
The amount seems like a golden deal since nothing about the film has been revealed yet, but it surely piqued interest about a subject which was almost worth such a huge number.
It Seems like after collecting 524.75 crore (and still counting) Sunny Deol is back to rule your screens, dominating the stars and their number games on digital giants as well!
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