The beloved series, The Office, is set to receive a sequel on the streaming service Peacock, featuring a fresh set of characters in a new workplace setting while still retaining the essence of Dunder Mifflin Paper Company’s Scranton branch. This sequel series, yet to be named, is an entirely original production within The Office universe, led by Greg Daniels, known for his work on the American version of The Office. Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant are also involved, the creators of the original UK version of The Office. Howard Klein, Ben Silverman, Banijay Americas, and Michael Koman join them as executive producers. Notable actors such as Domhnall Gleeson and Sabrina Impacciatore are attached to the project, with filming scheduled to begin in July 2024, as announced by NBCUniversal.
As outlined in the series logline, the documentary crew, known for covering Dunder Mifflin’s Scranton branch, ventures out searching for a new subject. Their exploration leads them to a struggling historic Midwestern newspaper and its determined publisher, who aims to revitalize it with a team of volunteer reporters.
Despite over a decade since The Office concluded on NBC, its enduring popularity persists, drawing in new viewers to Peacock. Collaborating with Universal Television.
The premiere date for the untitled sequel series remains uncertain. However, with production scheduled to start in Summer 2024, it’s expected to be available on streaming platforms in 2025. Meanwhile, fans can continue enjoying The Office on Peacock.
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