Alia Bhatt along with the team of RRR graced The Kapil Sharma Show on Sunday. Jr NTR, Ram Charan and SS Rajamouli entertained the audience along with the cast of TKSS. While doing his part Krushna Abhishek’s ‘Sapna’ teased Alia to marry Ranbir Kapoor giving Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal’s reference. Scroll below to read the scoop.
Alia and Ranbir’s fans fondly call them Ralia and have been desperately waiting for them to tie the knot.
Krushna Kapoor plays the character of Sapna on The Kapil Sharma Show told Alia Bhatt that she’s a huge fan of her and revealed that she liked her film ‘Kapoor & Sons.’ Krushna also asked Alia about an update on the sequel of the film and adding to this Kapil Sharma asks him which sequel he was talking about; to which the comedian replied, “Kapoor and Bahus,” leaving the audiences in splits.
Krushna Abhishek then gave Alia Bhatt a reference to Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif’s wedding and revealed that he would want Alia and Ranbir Kapoor to tie the knot soon. Krushna said, “ “Nahi, mera matlab abhi Vicky ki zindagi achchi Katrina. Toh bas aap hi ke liye wait kar rahe hai (No, I mean, Vicky is enjoying life with Katrina. So we are all just waiting for you). But God bless you.”
Haha, did y’all watch this episode of The Kapil Sharma Show?
Meanwhile, Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the knot last month in Six Senses Fort Barwara and broke the internet with their ever so graceful wedding pictures.
What are your thoughts on Krushna Abhishek teasing Alia Bhatt to get married to Ranbir Kapoor soon? Tell us in the comments below.