Munmun Dutta of Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’s plea was reportedly rejected by the special court set up under SC/ST Act in Hisar. The actress as per reports reached Hansi, Haryana on Monday after the order passed by Punjab and Haryana High Court and appeared in front of investing officer DSP Vinod Shankar. She had made remarks on Dalit society in one of her YouTube videos which didn’t go well with netizens. Scroll below to read the scoop.
It was back in 2021 when Munmun shared a video on her YouTube and used a casteist slur in the same which didn’t sit well with a few people who felt it was offensive towards the Dalit society. As per a Dainik Bhaskar report, the TMKOC actress was arrested and interrogated for 4 long hours earlier, regarding her comment.
It was when Munmun Dutta shared a video of herself on YouTube and used a casteist slur that read, “I am coming on youtube, and I want to look good don’t want to look like a bhangi.” As soon as the video went viral, netizens started trending the hashtag #ArrestMunmunDutta for using the word ‘Bhangi’ in her video.
It was recently revealed by Munmun Dutta’s advocate Rajat Kalsan that the Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actor‘s anticipatory bail plea was dismissed by a special court formed under the SC/ST Act in Hisar. It is to be noted that since the plea was rejected by judge Ajay Teotia, there are higher chances of the actress’ arrest.
Not just Hisar, Haryana, the complaint was also filed in states including Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Delhi, Rajasthan, and Madhya Pradesh for her arrest. Munmun then moved her case to the High Court, requesting them to keep a halt on the arrest. But since nothing came out from there, the actress’ advocate moved the case to the special court under the SC / ST Act of Hisar.
The Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah actress also apologized to her fans post the incident and wrote a heartfelt note appealing for the same.
There hasn’t been any official statement released by Munmun Dutta on her reported arrest.